Does Putin have Stockholm syndrome towards Zelensky?
Putin both opposes Zelensky's political leadership as well as feeling deep dread toward him which stems from unusual beliefs. According to Putin he received divine selection to establish Russian empire while conquering Western powers. By chance Zelensky became the Ukrainian leader who represents a symbol which challenges Putin's fundamental concepts.
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Throughout many years Putin has relied on the fortune-telling of Baba Vanga who predicted through divination that “Rus will win against evil under a leader named Vladimir.” According to Putin he had been chosen to fill this important role. Zelensky guides Kyiv as the capital of historic Ancient Rus against Russian invasion although both share the name Vladimir in Ukrainian. The situation currently annoys Putin since Zelensky emerges as the hero of the story yet he remains the villain in this narrative.
Putin refuses to mention Zelensky by name in the same manner he handled Navalny. He uses other words instead. Putin displays this behavior using no names because he sees this as an expression of his belief in lucky forces. In Putin's mind stating these names grants them the ability to dominate him.
Team Putin deploys consulting star readers to create mythical predictions which serve their preferred narrative. The observers from Western countries who speak in predictions about outcomes due to their fear these predictions might actualize.
Putin’s biggest fears
Russia faces stagnation that threatens its internal collapse in the same manner as the Soviet Union did.
He regularly monitors his health because he wants to live long since he fears an unexpected death.
Putin hides his two sons as well as their location remains undisclosed. He worries about their safety.
Some experts support pressuring Putin through the utilization of his own beliefs and superstitions. Some public narratives should describe Zelensky because he will replace Putin as leader according to the prophecy. His death and the safety of his family members should concern Putin. His survival takes precedence over every plan he had set before the conflict.
The fear Putin has about Zelensky extends well beyond military conflicts. The situation involves historical narratives along with prophecies that simultaneously make Putin question his ability to lead.